
Friday, December 4, 2009

Before The Finals

Time is fast and now it’s almost the end of this quarter. After my mental struggle for a little while, I sort of took the courses for granted accidentally, thanks to the late experiment I had to do during Monday and Tuesday. I could not finish the experiment until 3:00am and I had to walk home alone in the middle of the night. It was scary and that was the last thing I want to do here, considering those emails informing us of the crimes around the campus once in a while. The finals are in next week and after the last class this afternoon, I won’t have classes until next quarter. I was surprised to see how well I did in mathematics, the course I used to hate in China since I don’t know when. I don’t know how come each time the teacher made some mistakes, those students would make fun out of it. I thought they were smart enough to get full marks in the tests, but it turned out that those were just mediocre. Maybe it’s not the time to brag here, even a little bit, since the finals haven’t started. This week, I pretty much devoted all my energy into our lab and I could barely open my textbook to go through I have to do in class. It’s a shame, I have to tell myself. Courses are fundamental requirements and maybe I was considered to have no problems with them anyways. Given the harsh economical environment here, most of people feel their fates are just hung up by a thread, and not surprisingly I am one of them. So maybe what can pull us through would be just do your thing. I don’t think it’s going to be winter all the time.

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