I was invited to be the judge for “SJTU English Song Competition” last year, and I was invited to be the judge this year again, thanks to Shady. Of course, as a monitor of “WesternMusic” on BBS, I am always quite honored and excited to do the job. This year’s “Idol” competition finished several weeks ago, but I decided to put it up here to remind myself of this. I am the kind of person who is eager to have my stage to show what I got, and if it’s the right time I would not let the opportunity slip away. So after I was given the microphone to make some comments on the contestants, I did not hesitate to preach whatever I had prepared on my mind. Although I don’t even remember exactly what I was speaking, I just felt so cool to be like “Simon Cowell” for one minute. Surely, my attitude was not as nasty as Simon’s. It’s awesome to be a judge down there, but I am sure it would really rock to be on the stage to show the talent. Unfortunately, singers were not that professional, and the judges and the performers were quite amateurish to some extent as well, quite frankly speaking. The nerves in the air just killed some of the contestants, and of course it did not make us feel right either. But, again, I did feel good to be one of the judges down there to give any kind of “professional” comments on the contestants, although the result might not be what I wanted to see. After all, I was not the only one who decided the winner, but I was just glad that I did my job and had my judgment without any bias.
HAH ,Simon is a LITTLE BIT rigorous~~hah