
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Christina Aguilera Pepsi Commercial Update

The commercial is called"Here to Stay", with nice pictures and beautiful beats'n'sound. Worth your time to give it a shot!!




More coming next...

1 comment:

  1. Hey little buddy!  How's my friend!  Thanks for your comment!  I appreciate it... It's always good to see when you get to stop by my space.. it makes me smile from ear to ear... you totally rock.. Oh, wow... I believe you would LOVE that movie!  I did... I watched it twice, and i am going to buy it on dvd to add to my dvd collection!  you should be able to rent it in the video stores now!  I you get to watch it, will let me know wqhat you thought about it, and if you like it?  I always like to hear what other people think about movies too! 
    Have you seen any good movies lately?  I always like to hear if anything might be worth seeing, or renting at the dvd stores!
    Oh, those pictures you posted up there in your photo album with all those blues colors of the city bulds are GOOD art/ohoto's     you did!  I really like they alot!
    Well you have a good weekend.. and take care, and see you soon
